
Creating a Report
Keywords: Report, chart, extension, display
Category: Buffers
Software: ArcView 3.2
Problem: I have map data and I would like to present it in a report.
Description: An easy way to create a report of data from themes is to create a report using the Report Writer extension. The extension will allow you to produce a report of specific fields of a theme in minutes.
Building on the scenario Buffering an Area recipe, you now want to make a report of the cities that are most affected by the buffers around the Irvine Medical Center and Family Health Centers.
1) Go to File->Extensions and put a check by the Report Writer extension.
2) Select the theme in your view for which you wish to write a report.
3) Go to Theme->Create a Report. You will need Quick Report checked. Next click on the amount of records that you would like to use in your report (All or Selected Records). Click Finish.
4) Next you will need to designate which fields you would like to use in your report. You can also set the font and spacing of the report and margins. Finally, you are now ready to print your report.
If you are having problems printing to your specifications, See Pitfall 1.
If you are having trouble viewing or saving your report digitally, See Pitfall 2.
1) In order to change the printer options, you must first preview your report. The Preview option is found at the bottom of the Layout tab where you selected what fields need to be in the report. When you have selected the Preview option, click the button that shows a printer and a wrench symbol. Now you can change the paper size, and specify the printer that you want to use.
2) To save your report in a specific format, first you will need to preview it. To save, click the button that looks like an envelope. You will then choose the format you would like to save it as. (Saving it as a Microsoft Word document makes it very easy to view.) Finally, specify that your destination will be a disk file and click Save.
ESRI Report Extension - A link to the ESRI web page where you can download a version of the report writer extension
ESRI - The ESRI Home Page
Authored by: Ethan Sundilson Modified: 9/10/03 |