
UCSB 2005 June 19-July 2: Santa Barbara, CA
Description | Agenda | Instructors & Participants | Travel & Accommodations
- David Carr
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
- Keith Clarke
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
- James Detwiler
GIS Specialist/Instructor, John A. Dutton e-Education Institute
The Pennsylvania State University
- Sara Fabrikant
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
- Michael F. Goodchild
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
- Barbara Herr Harthorn
Department of Anthropology
University of California, Santa Barbara
- Donald Janelle
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
- Stuart Sweeney
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
- Waldo Tobler
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Teaching Assistants and Project Consultants
- Sarah Battersby
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
- Kathryn Grace
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
- Jeff Hemphill
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
- Enki Yoo
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Guest Presenters
- Carter Butts
Department of Sociology and Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, Assistant Professor
University of California, Irvine
- Graeme Hugo
Director of the National Centre for Social Applications of GIS
University of Adelaide, Australia
- Sean Reardon
Associate Professor of Education and Sociology
Stanford University, School of Education
- Narayan Sastry
Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey, Co-Director
- Richard Scribner
Assistant Professor
Louisiana State University School of Public Health
- John R. Weeks
Professor of Geography and Director, International Population Center
San Diego State University, Department of Geography
Rajib Acharya
Research Interest: Demography
The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
Alisson Barbieri
Research Interest: Demography
Carolina Population Center, UNC-Chapel Hill
Joan Brunkard
Research Interest: Epidemiology
Environmental Studies Dept., University of California, Santa Cruz
Michael Chung
Research Interest: Epidemiology
University of Washington
Anneclaire De Roos
Research Interest: Epidemiology
University of Washington and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Julie Dowling
Research Interest: Sociology
Dept of Sociology, UC Santa Barbara
Linda Edelman
Research Interest: Health Sciences
University of Utah College of Nursing
Kohei Enami
Research Interest: Health and Public Policy
University of Southern California
Corina Graif
Research Interest: Sociology
Harvard University
Yan Guo
Research Interest: Demography
Utah State University
Jacky Jennings
Research Interest: Epidemiology
The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
Ann Kim
Research Interest: Sociology
Department of Sociology, Brown University
Cathy Yang Liu
Research Interest: Urban and Regional Planning
University of Southern California
Sonia Martin
Research Interest: Sociology
Australian Institute for Social Research
Roderick McCrea
Research Interest: Geography
University of Queensland
Lisel O'Dwyer
Research Interest: Health Sciences
ARCRNSISS, Dept Public Health, Flinders University
William Pan
Research Interest: Statistics
The Johns Hopkins University
Bryan Rookey
Research Interest: Sociology
Washington State University
Landy Sanchez
Research Interest: Sociology
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Kimiko Shiki
Research Interest: Urban and Regional Planning
UCLA, Urban Planning
Riti Shimkhada
Research Interest: Epidemiology
University of California, Los Angeles
Karen Snedker
Research Interest: Sociology
University of Washington
Susan Voelker
Arizona Tobacco Education and Prevention Program Evaluation Unit
Brandon Wall
Research Interest: Economics
Public Policy Institute of California