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This website is preserved as an Archive for the NSF-funded SPACE program (2003-2007). Current resources in support of Spatially Integrated Social Science are now available at the following:
SPACE Personnel>> Executive Committee Donald Janelle (Principal Investigator) is a Research Professor at the University of California Santa Barbara, and is Program Director of the Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (www.csiss.org). CSISS is funded by the National Science Foundation to develop research infrastructure, with a primary focus to assist in the dissemination of spatial thinking and spatial technologies for research across the social sciences. He served previously as Chair of the Department of Geography and as Assistant Vice Provost at the University of Western Ontario. He is a former editor of The Canadian Geographer. His research focuses on temporal patterns of spatial behavior in cities, the social implications of transportation, telecommunication and information technologies, and the development of urban-regional spatial systems. He co-edited with David Hodge Information, Place, and Cyberspace. Issues in Accessibility (Springer-Verlag, 2000) and is a recipient of the Edward L. Ullman Award for Career Contributions to Transportation Geography from the Association of American Geographers. Richard Appelbaum (Co-PI) is the director of the Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research (ISBER). ISBER is UCSB's second-largest Organized Research Unit; it serves primarily the social sciences, although slightly more than a third of its approximately one hundred researchers come from the humanities and other divisions of the university (including the sciences, engineering, education, and environmental management). Dr. Appelbaum's research examines global commodity chains, focusing in particular on the locational determinants of labor-intensive low-wage production, and its impacts on industrial upgrading as well as economic inequality. One key aspect of this work is the spatial distribution of production sites, the formation of industrial districts. He is especially concerned with the global regulation and enforcement of labor standards, particularly with regard to apparel production. His co-authored book Behind the Label: Inequality in the Los Angeles Apparel Industry (with Edna Bonacich, University of California Press, 2000), selected by the Los Angeles Times as one of the best non-fiction books of 2000, examines the structural sources of inequality in garment production; spatial configurations play a prominent role in this analysis. The spatial contiguity of numerous actors in the fashion industry acquires special symbolic significance in Los Angeles, where image is all-important; nonetheless, the industry is beginning to move to Mexico and China, driven by stricter enforcement standards in Los Angeles and the ease of movement under NAFTA. Understanding such re-patialization of production represents a significant challenge. Michael F. Goodchild (Co-PI) is Professor and past Chair of Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and Chair of the Executive Committee of the National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis. He serves as Associate Director of the Alexandria Digital Library Project, and Director of the Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science. He is former Chair of the Department of Geography at the University of Western Ontario, former Editor of Geographical Analysis, Editor for Methods, Models, and Geographical Information Sciences for the Annals of the Association of American Geographers. His research addresses the accuracy of spatial databases, modeling within GIS, the development and application of location-allocation models, and the theory and methodology of spatial analysis. Under the auspices of NCGIA, he oversaw efforts to improve education in the general area of GIS, beginning with the NCGIA Core Curriculum project in 1989, and continuing with the NSF-funded Core Curriculum for Technical Programs and a recent NCGIA project to develop a core curriculum in geographic information science (see www.ncgia.org). The integration and transfer of knowledge have been strong themes in his work with NCGIA, the Varenius project, and now the Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (see www.csiss.org). Through the Alexandria Digital Library project, Dr. Goodchild has assisted in making the services of a map and imagery library available to users of all kinds via the WWW. ADL is now embarked on the Alexandria Digital Earth Prototype, which will bring these services into the classroom. Dr. Goodchild is a past member and chair of the NRC's Mapping Science Committee, and currently a member of its Committee on Geography. He was elected to membership of the National Academy of Sciences in 2002. Arthur Getis is Professor and Birch Foundation Endowed Chair of Geographical Studies at San Diego State University. His Ph.D. is from the University of Washington. He served previously as Head of the Department of Geography and Director of the School of Social Sciences at the University of Illinois. He is Co-editor of the Journal of Geographical Systems and has published extensively on spatial statistical modeling, urban growth and change, and general geography. His interests are in GIS, spatial statistics, urban transportation modeling, disease transmission modeling, and geographic education. He is well know for his research in spatial statistics, especially in the area of point pattern analysis. Perhaps his best-known work is the collaborative effort in which he has been engaged with Professor J. Keith Ord (Georgetown University) on the development of a series of mainly locally based spatial association statistics. In 2002 Dr. Getis is recipient of the 1997 North American Regional Science Association International's Walter Isard Award for Distinguished Scholarship. In 2002 he received the Award for Distinguished Scholarship from the Association of American Geographers for contributions to the theoretical understanding of spatial processes and for leadership in promoting understanding of these processes to national and international audiences. He served in 2000-2001 as Past President of the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science. Mei-Po Kwan is Professor of Geography at the Ohio State University and has been awarded the rank of Distinguished Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences. She is the incoming (Sept. 2005) editor of the 'Methods, Models, and GIS' section of the Annals of the Association of American Geographers and is a consulting editor of Geographical Analysis. In 2005 she has been awarded the UCGIS researcher of the year and the Edward L Ullman Award from the Transport Geography Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers for outstanding contributions to the field of transportation geography. Her research focuses on GIS for transportation, in particular, space-time patterns of human spatial behavior, gender and ethnic dimensions of transportation, telecommunications and information technologies, and Intelligent Transportation Systems. Her recent research on the analysis of activity-travel diary data uses geocomputation and geovisualization methods. Research on information technologies and women's everyday lives is supported by a grant from the Information Technology Research Program of the National Science Foundation. Fiona Goodchild has been the Education Director for the NSF Materials Research Laboratory (MRL) at UCSB since 1993, a position that she will retire from in May 2003, allowing time for her to participate as Professional Development Coordinator for SPACE. She has experience as a Lecturer in the UCSB Graduate School of Education, as Learning Skills Counselor/Coordinator at the University of Western Ontario (1976-1988), and as a High School Teacher (Ancestor, Ontario (1967-1969. She has published papers on mentoring teachers, integrating research and education, changing culture in science, and learning skills for students. Her outstanding work was recognized recently with a 2002 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring. |