This website is preserved as an Archive for the NSF-funded
SPACE program (2003-2007). Current resources in support of Spatially Integrated Social Science
are now available at the following:



SPACE Discipline Resources
Disciplines >> GIS
SPACE Sessions and Conference Workshops
Workshop Participant Contributions
Rajrani Kalra, University of Central Arkansas / currently at California State University San Bernadino
Linda Loubert, Morgan State University
Chris Mayda, Eastern Michigan University
Allan Joseph Medwick, Kean University
Nancy Obermeyer, Indiana State University, Terre Haute
Susan Pulsipher, Methodist College
Sumeeta Srinivasan, Harvard University
Michelle M. Thompson, University of New Orleans
Wei Tu, Georgia Southern University
Joan Walker, Boston University
Course Syllabi
CSISS Classics
- Longley, P.A., Goodchild, M.F., Maguire, D.J. and Rhind, D.W. 2005. Geographic Information Systems and Science. John Wiley & Sons: New York, NY.
- Kidner, D. Higgs, G. and White, S. [Eds]. 2003. Socio-economic Applications of Geographic Information Science. Taylor and Francis: London, UK.
- Martin, D. 1996. Geographic Information Systems: socioeconomic applications (Second Edition). Routledge: London, UK.
Asian Spatial Information and Analysis (ACASIAN) - An academic and applied research institution specializing GIS databases for Asia and the former Soviet Union.
Baltic Sea GIS, Maps and Statistical Database - GIS data of land cover, population and other information for the Baltic Sea drainage basin.
Colorado Office of Emergency Management: Cartography and Mapping - State and local government oriented GIS data.
Digital Chart of the World - Download the boundaries and layers of different countries, in Arc/INFO export format.
GIS Data Depot - Provides free GIS data downloads and creates custom spatial data CD-ROMs.
Hawaii Statewide GIS Program - Free downloadable GIS spatial data, metadata, and maps.
Infoshare: Community Data on New York City - Profile and compare neighborhoods, and produce original tables.
Louisiana Statewide GIS - Contains GIS and mapping data on the state of Louisiana.
MapFocus GeoTIFFs - Digital raster graphics for GIS and CAD applications. Includes continental US coverage, full resolution topography.
National Geospatial Data Framework - United Kingdom - Geospatial data infrastructure for the United Kingdom. Runs the UK Standard Geographic Base.
National Spatial Information Framework - South Africa - Geospatial data infrastructure for South Africa.
New York State GIS Clearinghouse - This site provides access to the New York State GIS Metadata and Data Repository. Operated by the New York State Office for Technology.
Rainwater Basin GIS Data Site - This site provides free GIS data sets pertaining to the Rainwater Basin wetlands in Nebraska.
Rhode Island GIS - Data clearinghouse for the state of Rhode Island.
The Data Depot - A catalogue of European mapping, geocoding and geodemographic data sets for use in GIS software.
United States National Atlas - Map layers available to the public.
Yukon Department of Renewable Resources - Site offers downloadable data on the Yukon territory.
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