This website is preserved as an Archive for the NSF-funded
SPACE program (2003-2007). Current resources in support of Spatially Integrated Social Science
are now available at the following:



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CensusMapper - CensusMapper is a geographic information system designed to make maps and tabular reports of historic U.S. Census and related data. Unlike GIS software, CensusMapper has pre-loaded quality assured/quality controlled data available for immediate analysis and a pre-defined set of mapping and statistical tools to process it. No data acquisition and validation, GIS technicians, or graphic artists are necessary to produce publication quality results.
Demographic Data Viewer Home Page - Features Java based tools for creating custom data sets.
GIS initiative for NITLE (National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education) - NITLE is working to plan programs that facilitate the incorporation of GIS tools into the curriculum and sponsors yearly workshops at which college faculty and staff can learn about ways in which to incorporate GIS into their teaching.
Go-Geo! Portal - Go-Geo! is an online resource discovery tool which allows for the identification and retrieval of records describing the content, quality, condition and other characteristics of geospatial data that exist within UK tertiary education and beyond.
My World - Developed at Northwestern University as part of a research program in the adaptation of expert data visualization and analysis tools to support inquiry-based learning. It is a Geographic Information System (GIS) designed specifically for use in middle school through college classrooms.
Public Health Disparities Geocoding Project Monograph - A free on-line monograph sharing the concepts, methods, and US census tract poverty data for improving monitoring of - and research on - social disparities in health.
Rutgers Cartography - Created by Mike Siegel, this website has many links to spatial information including cartographic datasets, maps, images, etc., but also links to GIS data sources, transportation spatial data, Census data, and more.
SimSeg - A computer simulation of segregation dynamics by Mark Fossett of Texas A&M University.
Social Explorer - Explore the visualization over time of U.S. Census data at state, county, and tract levels (for selected cities).
Visualizing Social Space from a Communication Perspective - From Sorin Matei's (Assistant professor in Communication at Purdue University) website: "Professor Matei has a variety of research and instructional interests, including socio-spatial shaping of communication technology, on-line social interaction and communities, spatial analysis (Geographic Information Systems) applied to communication systems and international communication processes and flows."
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