This website is preserved as an Archive for the NSF-funded
SPACE program (2003-2007). Current resources in support of Spatially Integrated Social Science
are now available at the following:



SPACE Teaching Resources
Teaching Resources >>
Evidence of Understanding: An Introduction to Assessments in K–12 Science Curricula - This site, hosted by the Education Development Center's Center for Science Education provides assessment ideas and examples that are organized into categories of Observations, Interviews, & Discussions, Written Assessments, Performance Assessments, Graphics, and Self-Assessments. Although the site has been designed with K-12 curricula in mind, many of the evaluation techniques described are valid at the undergraduate level as well.
Geography Area - Features links to reports produced by the National Center for Education Statistics.
Geography Assessments - Features links to articles and reports on National Standards and assessments.
The Eighteen National Geography Standards - Features information on how to use maps to organize information on places and human systems.
Tutorial Index - NCGE tutorial for the Geography for Life - National Standards
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