This website is preserved as an Archive for the NSF-funded
SPACE program (2003-2007). Current resources in support of Spatially Integrated Social Science
are now available at the following:



SPACE Discipline Resources
Disciplines >> Economics
SPACE Sessions and Conference Workshops
Workshop Participant Contributions
Course Syllabi
CSISS Classics
"This section is in progress. Please let us know if you want to recommend a book."
Application of GIS in Environmental and Resource Economics for Developing Countries - Topical outline focuses on how economic and environmental data can be modeled in a GIS environment.
GIS and Agricultural Economics - Syllabus provides an overview of the application of GIS techniques in agriculture economics. Taught by Sundar S. Shrestha at Penn State University.
Learning Materials for Spatial Econometrics - A 200 page manual in PDF format provided by Spatial-Econometrics.com for use with the Mathlab tool kit.
Using GIS as an Economic Development Tool - Features articles on methodology, training and links to related sites. Ohio State University.
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