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This website is preserved as an Archive for the NSF-funded SPACE program (2003-2007). Current resources in support of Spatially Integrated Social Science are now available at the following:
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Journals Political Analysis. See Special Issue on Spatial Methods in Political Science. 2002. 10: 211-317. Political Geography. See Special Issue on The Development and Application of Spatial Analysis for Political Methodology. 2002. 21: 155-286. Publications by Topics International Relations/Political Economy Gleditsch, Kristian & Michael Ward. 2001. "Measuring Space: A Minimum Distance Database and Applications to International Studies". Journal of Peace Research. 38(6): 739-758. Buhaug, Halvard & Scott Gates. 2002. "The Geography of Civil War." Journal of Peace Research. 39(4): 417-433. Busch, Marc & Eric Reinhardt. 1999. "Industrial Location and Protection: The Political and Economic Geography of U.S. Non-tariff Barriers." American Journal of Political Science. 43(4): 1028-1050. Public Policy Connor, Stephen. "Using Geographical Information Systems for Decision-Support in National Development Planning." Development in Practice. 5(4): 356-360. Campaign Finance Cho, Wendy Tam & James Gimpel. 2007. "Prospecting for (Campaign) Gold." American Journal of Political Science 51(2): 255-268. Cho, Wendy Tam & Frances E. Lee and Joshua Kaminski . 2006. "The Political Geography of Campaign Contributions in American Politics." Journal of Politics. 68(3): 626-639. Cho, Wendy Tam. 2003. "Contagion Effects and Ethnic Contribution Networks." American Journal of Political Science 47(2): 368-387. Voting/Political Participation O'Loughlin, John, Colin Flint & Luc Anselin. 1994. "The Geography of the Nazi Vote: Context, Confession and Class in the Reichstag Election of 1930." Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 84(3): 351-380. Gimpel, James & Jason Schuknecht. 2003. Patchwork Nation: Sectionalism and Political Change in American Politics. University of Michigan Press. Cho, Wendy Tam, James G. Gimpel and Joshua J. Dyck. 2006. "Residential Concentration, Socialization, and Voter Turnout, Journal of Politics." 68(1): 156-167. Brady, Henry & Iris Hui. 2006. "Is It Worth Going an Extra Mile to Improve Causal Inference?" Paper Presented at the Annual Political Methodology Meeting. Cho, Wendy Tam & Thomas J. Rudolph. 2007. "Emanating Political Participation: Untangling the Spatial Structure behind Participation." British Journal of Political Science 37(1). Urban Politics Dreier, Peter, John Mollenkopf & Todd Swanstrom. 2001. Place Matters: Metropolitics for the Twenty-First Century. University Press of Kansas. Mollenkopf, John. 1983. Contested City. Princeton University Press. Migration Brown, Thad. 1988. Migration and Politics. University of North Carolina Press. Gimpel, James. 1999. Separate Destinations: Migration, Immigration and the Politics of Places. University of Michigan Press.
Weeks, Gregory & John Weeks. 2008. Irresistible Forces: Explaining Latin American Migration to the United States. University of New Mexico Press. Ecological Inference & Modifiable Areal Unit Problem Achen, Christopher & W. Philips Shively. 1995. Cross-Level Inference. University of Chicago Press. King, Gary. 2004. Ecological Inference: New Methodological Strategies. Cambridge University Press. Links