This website is preserved as an Archive for the NSF-funded
SPACE program (2003-2007). Current resources in support of Spatially Integrated Social Science
are now available at the following:
SPACE Discipline Resources
Disciplines >> Spatially Integrated Social Sciences
Spatially Integrated Social Science
SPACE Sessions and Conference Workshops
Workshop Participant Contributions
Ulla Bunz, Rutgers University
Joe Francis, Cornell University
Leah Greden Mathews, University of North Carolina, Asheville
Diana Grigsby-Toussaint, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Iris Hui, University of California, Berkeley
Linda Loubert, Morgan State University
Chris Mayda, Eastern Michigan University
Jo Beth Mertens, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
David Padgett, Tennessee State University
Susan Pulsipher, Methodist College
Sumeeta Srinivasan, Harvard University
Michael Strager, West Virginia University
Michelle M. Thompson, University of New Orleans
Course Syllabi
CSISS Classics
- Longley, P.A., Goodchild, M.F., Maguire, D.J. and Rhind, D.W. 2005. Geographic Information Systems and Science. John Wiley & Sons: New York, NY.
- Goodchild, M.F. and Janelle, D.G. [Eds.] 2004. Spatially Integrated Social Science. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Preview
- Kidner, D. Higgs, G. and White, S. [Eds]. 2003. Socio-economic Applications of Geographic Information Science. Taylor and Francis: London, UK.
- Martin, D. 1996. Geographic Information Systems: socioeconomic applications (Second Edition). Routledge: London, UK.
Beginning to Integrate GIS into a Liberal Arts Curriculum - Holman PPT on integrating GIS into the Hilbert curriculum
GIS & Spatial Thinking for Social Sciences at HBCU - The HBCU promotes educational opportunities for underrepresented students, effective teaching and student learning, and collaborative activities for faculty enhancement
GIS and Spatial Analysis Methods in Social Sciences Teaching and Research - David A. Padgett, Associate Professor of Geography and Director of the Geographic Information Sciences Laboratory at Tennessee State University, led a half-day workshop.
GIS initiative for NITLE (National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education) - NITLE is working to plan programs that facilitate the incorporation of GIS tools into the curriculum and sponsors yearly workshops at which college faculty and staff can learn about ways in which to incorporate GIS into their teaching.