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This website is preserved as an Archive for the NSF-funded SPACE program (2003-2007). Current resources in support of Spatially Integrated Social Science are now available at the following:
Workshop Participant ContributionsThis page showcases materials contributed by participants in the SPACE instructor workshops. In most cases these participants are also recipients of SPACE Instructional Development Awards. Instructional Development Award Recipients in 2008 - 2009Diana Grigsby-Toussaint, Department of Kinesiology and Community Health University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Accomplishment: Developed a two-day Health GIS workshop to introduce undergraduate students in the College of Applied Health Sciences to the applications of GIS in health. Leah Greden Mathews, Department of Economics, University of North Carolina, Asheville Accomplishment: Added spatial components to a second-year multi-disciplinary course in Land Economics, and structured the final course project to focus on spatial dimensions of sustainable regional development. Linda Loubert, Institute for Urban Research, Morgan State University Accomplishment: Provided exposure to the value of geospatial science to multidisciplinary faculty and students. Chris Mayda, Department of Geography and Geology, Eastern Michigan University Accomplishment: Encouraged original research by undergraduate students and facilitated their participation in a national academic conference. Michelle M. Thompson, Department of Planning & Urban Studies, University of New Orleans Accomplishment: Helped to develop an urban and regional information system that has assisted community recovery efforts in New Orleans and provided related resources for undergraduate and graduate education on applications of geospatial methodologies in public participation GIS. Instructional Development Award Recipients in 2007-2008J. Kevin Byrne, Visualization and Sustainable Design Program, Minneapolis College of Art and Design Accomplishment: Developed a one-month module on exploratory spatial data analysis for a 2nd-/3rd-year course on Visual Thinking and developed a proposal for a new course on Introduction to Geovisualization that will introduce students to uses of ArcGIS, GeoDa, and various Web resources. Rajrani Kalra, Geography, University of Central Arkansas / currently at California State University, San Bernadino Accomplishment: Developed GeoDa-based exercises to introduce spatial thinking in undergraduate courses and worked on the organization of a campus-wide workshop on Thinking Spatially in the Social Sciences. Allan Joseph Medwick, Office of Institutional Research and Department of Computer Science, Kean University Accomplishment: Developed a workbook on GIS for a 6-hour workshop on Spatial Analysis for Institutional Research and introduced GIS and spatial analysis in an undergraduate course on Technology and Information Systems in Modern Society. Sookhee Oh, Sociology, University of Missouri, Kansas City Accomplishment: Introduced spatial analytic approaches in an undergraduate course on Methods of Sociological Research, required for sociology and criminology majors. Initiated the development of a new course on Spatial Thinking in the Social Sciences. Heather Richards-Rissetto and Judith van der Elst, Anthropology, University of New Mexico Accomplishment: Developed and taught new courses on GIS applications in anthropology and archaeology, promoted awareness of spatial methods for teaching and research at the University of New Mexico, organized a conference symposium on GIS in archaeology education, and developed a course in visualization in conjunction with UNM’s Art and Technology Lab. Michael Strager, Resource Management, West Virginia University Accomplishment: Developed a new course on Applied GIS for the Social Sciences to be taught for the first time in fall 2008. Steve Wuhs, Government and International Relations, University of Redlands Accomplishment: Developed and taught a new course on Territorial Politics: Territory, Politics, and Economy, the first example of a lab-based social science course at UR. The labs provide students with exposure to spatial analytic software such as GeoDa and ArcMap, and to applications of the GoogleEarth geo-browser. Instructional Development Award Recipients in 2006Adriana Abdenur, International Affairs, The New School Accomplishment: Modified a course on Urbanization and Inequality in South Africa, initiated discussion on developing a more explicit spatial focus in studies of international development, published an article in the New School International Affairs Bulletin on the need for spatial perspective in teaching and research, and established a partnership with the New School’s Parsons Institute for Information Mapping to create pedagogical materials on inequality in cities of the developing world. Paulla Ebron and Claudia Engel, Cultural and Social Anthropology, Stanford University Accomplishment: Introduced GIS-based exercises and spatial perspectives in introductory courses on the anthropology of globalization. Joe D. Francis, Sociology, Cornell University Accomplishment: Developed and taught course on Analytic Mapping and Spatial Modeling. Iris Hui, Political Science, University of California, Berkeley Accomplishment: Developed a 2006-2007 seminar series at UCB on Social Science in Place: GIS, Spatial Concepts and Applied Social Science. Nancy Obermeyer, Geography, Indiana State University, Terre Haute Accomplishment: Undertook several initiatives to expand GIS teaching applications across a range of disciplines at Indiana State. Iheanyi N. Osondu, History, Geography, and Political Science Fort Valley State University Accomplishment: Developed a new undergraduate certificate course in GIS. Claudia Scholz, Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Trinity University (San Antonio) Accomplishment: Work with colleagues and students on applications of GIS, mapping, and spatial thinking in teaching and research; and organizing a panel of prior participants in SPACE workshops to explore Integrating Spatial Thinking into the Sociology Curriculum at the 2007 annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. Wei Tu, Geology and Geography, Georgia Southern University Accomplishment: Developed Internet GIS resources for teaching and enhancing existing courses in GIS and cartography. Joan Walker, Geography and Environment, Boston University Accomplishment: Enhanced courses in GIS and in Economic Geography with greater hands-on GIS applications. Instructional Development Award Recipients in 2005Dr. Claude Barnes and Laurie Garo, Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice, North Carolina A&T State University, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Accomplishment: Created new GIS for Social Science courses at (HBCUs) in North Carolina, including GIS in Criminology for Social Sciences at Johnson C. Smith University and GIS for Social Sciences at North Carolina A & T University. Dr. Wenquan (Charles) Zhang, Sociology, Brown University / Texas A&M University Accomplishment: Designed and implemented a GIS course at Brown University for sociologists and other social scientists. Christopher Holoman, Political Science, Hilbert College Accomplishment: Mentored student in Weapons and War course for research modeling the projection of military force across space. Benjamin Forest, Geography, Dartmouth College / McGill University Accomplishment: Developed a GIS course project to help students understand social and economic consequences of space. Instructional Development Award Recipients in 2004Veronica Arias, Heather Richards, & Judith Van der Elst, Archaeology, U. of New Mexico Accomplishment: Developed a new undergraduate course on Geospatial Analysis in Archaeology. Kathleen Bell, Economics, University of Maine Accomplishment: Altered a course on Resource Economics by adding independent student projects and spatial thinking using GIS and spatial statistics. Wendy Bigler, Geography, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Accomplishment: Designed a core curriculum class on “Environmental Conservation” that emphasizes critical spatial reasoning. Also introduced GeoDa-based exercises for three other courses. Mark Bjelland, Geography, Gustavus Adolphus College Accomplishment: Designed a new course syllabus that makes use of GeoDa and ArcView. Introduced GeoDa to colleagues for undergraduate teaching. Plans for a college-wide workshop on why space matters in statistical analysis. Ulla Bunz, Communication, Rutgers University Accomplishment: Redesigned a course syllabus to include “spatial perspectives on social change” and developed student field research exercises. Owen Dwyer, Geography, Indiana University, Indianapolis Accomplishment: Developed a course exercise to measure the influence of distance on society, using the gravity model as a basis for students to apply and think critically about spatial modeling. Jo Beth Mertens, Economics, Hobart and William Smith Colleges Accomplishment: Developed a course exercise "Introducing Spatial Analysis Using GeoDa" and gave a related presentation at the “Teaching Economics: Instruction and Classroom Based Research” conference. David Padgett, History, Geography, and Political Science, Tennessee State University Accomplishment: Designed modules using student-gathered research data to demonstrate spatial concepts, using ArcGIS, GeoDa, and FlowMapper. Susan Pulsipher, Director, Library Services, Methodist College Accomplishment: Developed a syllabus for a course on Introduction to Spatial Analysis. Also developing plans for a baseline survey on GIS use and implementing incorporation of GIS into the curriculum of the college. Sumeeta Srinivasan, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University Accomplishment: Introduced a course on “Spatial Analysis of Environmental and Social Systems,” attracting students from Applied Mathematics, Economics, Environmental Sciences, the Kennedy School of Government, Earth and Planetary Sciences, and Environmental Engineering. GIS and GeoDa are featured. Christopher Weiss, Sociology, Columbia University Accomplishment: New courses designed for interdisciplinary Urban Studies undergraduate program at Columbia-Barnard: “Conceptual Issues in Spatial Analysis for the Social Sciences,” and "Methodological Issues in Spatial Analysis for the Social Sciences." Both courses employ modules for students to use GIS and GeoDa software. Petra Zimmermann, Geography, Ball State University Accomplishment: Enhanced a GIS course for a broad audience of social science and environmental science students. |