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GIS and Spatial Modeling for Use in Undergraduate Education

June 28 - July 2, 2004: Columbus, OH


Mei-Po Kwan, Workshop Coordinator
Department of Geography, Associate Professor
The Ohio State University
Email: kwan.8 at osu . edu

Eric Boschmann
Department of Geography, Graduate Student
The Ohio State University
Email: boschmann.1 at osu . edu

Suzanna Klaf
Department of Geography, Graduate Student
The Ohio State University
Email: klaf.1 at osu . edu

Alan Murray
Department of Geography, Associate Professor
The Ohio State University
Email: murray.308 at osu . edu

Morton O'Kelly
Department of Geography, Professor
The Ohio State University
Email: okelly.1 at osu . edu

Fang Ren
Department of Geography, Graduate Student
The Ohio State University
Email: ren.21 at osu . edu

Michael Tiefelsdorf
Department of Geography, Assistant Professor
The Ohio State University
Email: mtiefels at geography . ohio-state . edu

Ningchuan Xiao
Department of Geography, Assistant Professor
The Ohio State University
Email: xiao.37 at osu . edu

Guest Lecturers

Linda Lobao
Departments of Sociology and Geography, Professor
The Ohio State University
Email: linda.lobao at osu . edu

Sara McLafferty
Department of Geography, Professor
University of Illinois
Email: smclaff at uiuc . edu

Kathryn Plank
Faculty & TA Development, Associate Director
The Ohio State University
Email: ftad at osu . edu

Shih-Lung Shaw
Department of Geography, Professor
University of Tennessee
Email: sshaw at utk . edu


Veronica Arias
Kathleen Bell
Ulla Bunz
Maria Conroy
Owen Dwyer
Douglas Feldman
Robert Greenbaum
Gregory Hooks
Nikitah Imani
Meadow Linder
Sandy Marquart-Pyatt

Leah Mathews
Heather Richards
Arun Srinivasan
Sumeeta Srinivasan
Sarah Surface-Evans
Michelle Thompson
Judith Van der Elst
Marie-helene Vandersmissen
Joan Walker
Lu Wang
Petra Zimmermann

Veronica Arias
Teaching Interest: Archaeology
University of New Mexico
arias at unm . edu

Kathleen Bell
Teaching Interest: Economics
University of Maine
kpbell at maine . edu

Ulla Bunz
Teaching Interest: Information Systems
Rutgers University
bunz at scils . rutgers . edu

Maria Conroy
Teaching Interest: Urban and Regional Planning
The Ohio State University
>Conroy.36 at osu . edu

Owen Dwyer
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
Indiana University, Indianapolis
odwyer at iupui . edu

Douglas Feldman
Teaching Interest: Anthropology
SUNY Brockport
dfeldman at brockport . edu

Robert Greenbaum
Teaching Interest: Urban and Regional Economic Development
School of Public Policy & Management, Ohio State University
greenbaum.3 at osu . edu

Gregory Hooks
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Washington State University
ghooks at wsu . edu

Nikitah Imani
Teaching Interest: Sociology
James Madison University
imanino at jmu . edu

Meadow Linder
Teaching Interest: Sociology
University of Michigan
linderm at isr . umich . edu

Sandy Marquart-Pyatt
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Dept. of Sociology
marquart-pyatt.1 at osu . edu

Leah Mathews
Teaching Interest: Economics
UNC Asheville
lmathews at bulldog . unca . edu

Heather Richards
Teaching Interest: Archaeology
University of New Mexico
heathmr at unm . edu

Arun Srinivasan
Teaching Interest: Economics
Indiana University Southeast
asriniva at ius . edu

Sumeeta Srinivasan
Teaching Interest: Environmental Studies & Policy
Harvard University
sumeeta at deas . harvard . edu

Sarah Surface-Evans
Teaching Interest: Archaeology
Michigan State University
surface1 at msu . edu

Michelle Thompson
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
Cornell University
mmt7 at cornell . edu

Judith Van der Elst
Teaching Interest: Archaeology
University of New Mexico
jvdelst at unm . edu

Marie-helene Vandersmissen
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
Laval University
Marie-Helene.Vandersmissen at ggr . ulaval . ca

Joan Walker
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
Boston University
jwalker at mit . edu

Lu Wang
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
Queen's University
luwang at yorku . ca

Petra Zimmermann
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
Ball State University
pazimmermann at bsu . edu

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