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Hosted By: SPACE - Spatial Perspectives on Analysis for Curriculum Enhancement
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Spatial Analysis for the Undergraduate Social Science Curriculum

July 18-23, 2005: Santa Barbara, CA


Sara I. Fabrikant, Workshop Coordinator
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: sara at geog . ucsb . edu

Fiona M. Goodchild
California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI), Education Director
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: fiona at cnsi . ucsb . edu

Michael F. Goodchild
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: good at geog . ucsb . edu

Don Janelle
Center for Spatially Integrated Social Sciences, Program Director
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: janelle at geog . ucsb . edu

Stuart Sweeney, Workshop Coordinator
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: sweeney at geog . ucsb . edu

Waldo Tobler
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: tobler at geog . ucsb . edu

Teaching Assistants and Project Consultants

Sarah Battersby
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: batts at geog . ucsb . edu

Kathryn Grace
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: katgrace at umail . ucsb . edu

Jeff Hemphill
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: jeff at geog . ucsb . edu

Enki Yoo
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: yoo at geog . ucsb . edu

Stacy Rebich
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: rebich at geog . ucsb . edu


Claude Barnes
Janice Bell
Sheryl Breen
Sung Chun
Marlese Durr
Owen Dwyer
Jennifer Earl
Joe D. Francis
Kurt Fuellhart
Laurie Garo
Randolph Horn

Mary Lou Larson
Brian Lee
Kevin Marsh
Steven Perlmutter
Heather Richards
Glenwood Ross
Diana Sinton
Jon Sonstelie
Sudhir Thakur
Judith Van der Elst

Claude Barnes
Teaching Interest: Political Science
North Carolina A&T State University
cbarnes at ncat . edu

Janice Bell
Teaching Interest: Public Health
University of Washington
jfbell at u . washington . edu

Sheryl Breen
Teaching Interest: Political Science
St. Olaf College
>breens at stolaf . edu

Sung Chun
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Institute for Latino Students, University of Notre Dame
chun.1 at nd . edu

Marlese Durr
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Wright State University
Marlese.Durr at wright . edu

Owen Dwyer
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
Indiana University at Indianapolis
odwyer at iupui . edu

Jennifer Earl
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Sociology, University of California-Santa Barbara
jearl at soc . ucsb . edu

Joe D. Francis
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Cornell University
jdf2 at cornell . edu

Kurt Fuellhart
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
Shippensburg University
kgfuel at ship . edu

Laurie Garo
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
lagaro at email . uncc . edu

Randolph Horn
Teaching Interest: Political Science
Samford University
rchorn at samford . edu

Mary Lou Larson
Teaching Interest: Anthropology
University of Wyoming
mlarson at uwyo . edu

Brian Lee
Teaching Interest: Landscape Architecture
University of Kentucky
blee at uky . edu

Kevin Marsh
Teaching Interest: History
Idaho State University
marskevi at isu . edu

Steven Perlmutter
Teaching Interest: Political Science
Departmen of Government, College of Wiliam and Mary
tedperlmutter at cicr . columbia . edu

Heather Richards
Teaching Interest: Archaeology
University of New Mexico
heathmr at unm . edu

Glenwood Ross
Teaching Interest: Economics
Morehouse College
gross at morehouse . edu

Diana Sinton
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
National Institute for Technology & Liberal Education
dsinton at middlebury . edu

Jon Sonstelie
Teaching Interest: Economics
jon at econ . ucsb . edu

Sudhir Thakur
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
University of North Dakota
sudhir.thakur at und . nodak . edu

Judith Van der Elst
Teaching Interest: Archaeology
University of New Mexico, Dept. of Anthropology
jvdelst at unm . edu



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