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GIS and Spatial Modeling for the Undergraduate Social Science CurriculumJune 18 - 23, 2006: Columbus, OH Introduction to GIS and Cartographic Visualization - Monday June 19Kraak, M.J., 1999. Visualizing spatial distributions. In: Longley, P., M. Goodchild, D. Maguire & D. Rhind (eds.) Geographical information systems: principles, techniques, management and applications. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, pp.157-173. Slocum, T.A., McMaster, R.B., Kessler, F.C., Howard, H.H., 2005. Elements of Cartographic Design. In: Thematic Cartography and Geographic Visualization. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, Prentice Hall, Chapter 11. Introduction and Space-Time Analysis - Monday June 19Kwan, Mei-Po. 2004. GIS Methods in Time-Geographic Research: Geocomputation and Geovisualization of Human Activity Patterns. Geografiska Annaler B, 86(4): 205-218. Kwan et al, 2003. Recent advances in accessibility research: Representation, methodology and applications. Journal of Geographical Systems, 5: 129-138. Weber and Kwan, 2001. Bringing Time Back In: A Study on the Influence of Travel Time Variations and Facility Opening Hours on Individual Accessibility. Professional Geographer, 54(2):226-240. Mei-Po Kwan, 1999. Gender and Individual Access to Urban Opportunities: A Study Using Space-Time Measures. Professional Geographer, 51(2):210-227. Kwan, 2000. Interactive geovisualization of activity-travel patterns using three-dimensional geographical information systems: a methodological exploration with a large data set. Transportation Research C, 8:185-303. Kwan, 1998. Space-Time and Integral Measures of Individual Accessibility: A Comparative Analysis Using a Point-Based Framework. Geographical Analysis, 30(3):191-216. Kwan and Kim, 2003. Space-time accessibility measures: A geocomputational algorithm with a focus on the feasible opportunity set and possible activity duration. Journal of Geographical Systems, 5: 71-91. Spatial Analysis Using Census Data - Tuesday June 20Peters and MacDonald, 2004. Unlocking the Census with GIS. ESRI Press, Redlands CA. Technical Documentation of Census 2000 Tiger/Line Spatial Optimization Modeling - Tuesday June 20Murray, A. 2005. Geography in coverage modeling: exploiting spatial structure to address complementary partial service of areas. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Murray, A. 2003. A coverage model for improving public transit system accessibility and expanding access. Annals of Operations Research 123, 143-156. Murray, A.T. and M.E. O'Kelly 2002. Assessing representation error in point-based coverage modeling. Journal of Geographical Systems 4, 171-191. Murray, A. 2001. Strategic analysis of public transport coverage. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 35, 175-188. Spatial Interaction Modeling: Space-Price Equilibrium - Wednesday July 21O'Kelly, M., "The impact of accessibility change on the geography of crop production: A re-examination of the Illinois and Michigan canal using GIS" Annals of the Association of American Geographers (forthcoming) O'Kelly, M., (2004). "Isard's contributions to spatial interaction modeling." Journal of Geographical Systems 6:43-54. Healey and Stamp 2000. Historical GIS as a foundation for the analysis of regional economic growth: Theoretical, methodological, and practical issues. Social Science History 24(3): 575-612. Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis - Wednesday June 21Haggett P. "On the Beach" Geography. A Modern Synthesis. Haper & Row, Publishers. 3rd edition, 1979, pp 3-25. Rogerson, Peter. 2001. Introduction to Statistical Analysis for Geography. In Statistical Methods for Geography. London: Sage, Chapter 1. Rogerson, Peter. 2001. Spatial Patterns. In Statistical Methods for Geography. London: Sage, Chapter 8. Fotheringham, Brundson, and Charlton. 2000. Exploring Spatial Data Visually. In Quantitative Geography. London: Sage Publications, Chapter 4. Fotheringham, Brundson, and Charlton. 2000. Challenges in Spatial Data Analysis. In Quantitative Geography. London: Sage Publications, Chapter 10. |