GIS Cookbook: Cartographic Design - Preparing your map for presentation (without using a template) |
Keywords: Presentation, finishing, printing, cartographic elements, layouts
Category: Cartographic Design
Software: ArcView 3.2
Problem: How do I prepare my data for presentation without using a template?
Description: You are satisfied with the data in your MapView window and would like to move the map into a layout form to prepare my map for presentation or printing.
Note: Preparing your map without a template allows you to fine tune your map to your own style without following any pre-set guidelines, however, it may be more time consuming.
1) Note the name of the View window that contains the data you would like to present. On the following image, the View window is titled "United States."
2) To create a layout file, click on the Layouts Icon on the project manager window.
Project Manager Window is shown on the left side of this image. Note that the layouts icon is highlighted.
3) Now that you have highlighted the Layouts icon, click the New button on the top of the project manager window.
4) A new window will open and should look similar to the following image.
Main Layout Window
5) To specify the size and orientation of the paper you are using to print your map select Layout ->Page Setup
Layout -> Page Setup
6a) The Page Setup window will appear.
Page Setup window
Enter the dimensions of your printing paper under Page Size.
Note: The maximum paper size you are able to use is usually determined by the type of printer.
6b) Now choose the orientation of the paper you would like to use.
6c) When you have made all your selections click Ok.
7) Then click on the earth shaped icon,
your cursor should change to a plus sign shape.
8) Move your mouse to the area of the layout page where you would like to place your data image. While keeping your mouse down, drag the mouse diagonally. Release the mouse button when the square is the size you want your image.
Note: Make sure you leave room for a title, scale bar, and the other cartographic elements.
Location of the map
9) The view frame Properties window will appear after you release the mouse button.
View Properties window
Select the view you wish to display. Make sure to uncheck the live link box so that your view will be preserved even if you alter the view window. Take note of the scale in case you want to include it in your map credits later. Then click OK
10) Your map should appear in the box you created.
Ready to add more |
Now you are ready to add other information (e.g. title, scale bar, north arrow, credits, etc.) to your map.
Note: You may also want to include more than one map view in your final layout. To do so follow the above steps again. Unless you are making the second map a locator map, too many maps in one layout may confuse the user. Links:
Making Maps with GIS - Getting Started with Geographic Information Systems
Prof. Keith Clarke's Home Page - Links to help with selected topics in geography and cartography
Authored by: Benjamin N. Sprague Modified: 8/27/03 |
Copyright © 2002-2015 by Regents of University of California, Santa Barbara
Cookbook: Ben Sprague, Ethan Sundilson, Carlin Wong, Sam Ying