GeoHealth2004: Surveillance & Intervention
Wellington, New Zealand
November 23-25, 2004
The aim of GeoHealth2004 is to promote the exchange of ideas and sharing of experiences in the application of Health GeoInformatics to public health research and practice. This conference follows the very successful GeoHealth2002: supporting decision making in health, which focussed on supporting decision-making in public health through the application of spatial analytic methods and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting
Atlanta, GA
August 17, 2003
ASA Annual Meeting Workshop: Does Space Matter?
Analyzing and Visualizing Spatial Effects in Sociology
Sunday, August 17, 2003, 8:30 - 11:00 a.m.
This workshop addresses 1) the theoretical rationale for including spatial perspectives in sociological research, 2) the availability spatial data and spatial analytic tools for studying social patterns and processes, and 3) the integration of spatial statistics with methods of spatial visualization. Download the Agenda 
American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting
Montreal, Quebec
July 26, 2003
AAEA / The Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting Workshop:
Spatial Analysis for Rural Sociology and Agricultural Economics
Saturday, July 26, 2003, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
This workshop's aim was to facilitate a more explicit recognition of spatial effects in the analysis of geo-referenced data within the research domains of rural sociology and agricultural economics.
Download the Agenda 

AAA 101st Annual Meeting and Workshop
New Orleans, LA
November 20-24, 2002
American Anthropological Association
Workshop on Spatial Analysis in Anthropology
Thursday, November 21, 2002, 4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
AAA Session: Powerful GIS Tools to Advance Spatial and Temporal Analysis in Anthropological Research
Thursday, November 21, 2002, 4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Organized by Barbara Herr-Harthorn, UC Santa Barbara
Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers
Los Angeles, CA
March 22, 2002
Panel Session: Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science
Chair: Helen Couclelis - Introduction
Michael Goodchild - Why Space? What is Spatially Integrated Social Science? [PDF]
Luc Anselin - New tools for Spatial Analysis in the Social Sciences [PDF]
Donald Janelle - Web-based Infrastructure for Spatially Integrated Social Science [PDF]
Stuart Sweeney - Discipline Relationships and Market Penetration of CSISS Workshops [PDF]
Helen Couclelis - CSISS Specialist Meetings and the Diffusion of Spatial Thinking in the Social Sciences [PDF]
For additional information, please visit the AAG web site, http://www.aag.org/.

Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association
Chicago, IL
November 15-18, 2001
Michael Goodchild and Donald Janelle, both of the CSISS Executive Committee, presented papers at the Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association:
- What is Spatially Integrated Social Science? What might it contribute to Social Science History?
- Building National Infrastructure for Enhancing Spatial Analysis in the Social Sciences
For additional information, please visit the conference web site, http://www.ssha.org/conference/past-conferences/.
The conference for 2001 has been removed
Digital Communities: Cities in the Information Society
Chicago, Illinois
November 4-7, 2001
This conference provided a forum to explore and discuss the challenges created by the intersection of information technology and urban life. The four main conference themes were Physical Environment, Urban Institutions, Social Relationships, and Economy and Urban Development.
The Digital Communities conference received funds from the Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (CSISS) for 5-7 graduate students to attend and to present their research.
For information on this theme, the IGU Commission on the Geography of Information Society maintains a very useful set of resources at www.igu-informationsociety.org.
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting
Anaheim, CA
August 20, 2001
In a four-hour seminar at the ASA Annual Meeting, Cities of the Future, CSISS leaders presented spatial analysis, and ways in which CSISS can be of use in research with a spatial component. Presenters included Dr. Michael F. Goodchild and Dr. Richard P. Appelbaum, both of UCSB, and Dr. John R. Logan of University of Albany.
For additional information, please visit the conference web site, https://www.e-noah.com/ASA/ASA01AM/....

American Society of Criminology Conference
San Fransisco, CA
November 14-18, 2000
Thanks to the efforts of Nancy LaVigne, CSISS Advisory Board member, CSISS programs were presented at the ASC meetings in San Francisco on November 16th. Mike Goodchild opened the lunchtime session, which attracted about 80 participants, by outlining the principles on which CSISS is founded. Don Janelle followed by describing CSISS programs, and ways in which criminologists could become engaged in CSISS activities.
For additional information, please visit the conference web site, http://www.asc41.com/www/2000/cmsindx.htm.