CSISS Conference Specialist Meetings
Specialist meetings are cross disciplinary expert meetings focusing on gaps in knowledge that
can be addressed through a spatial perspective. These meetings identify scientific agendas, workshop needs, new learning resources, spatial research tools and publications of exemplary social science applications.

GPS and Time-Geography Applications for Activity Modeling and Microsimulation
Santa Barbara, CA
October 10-11, 2005

Time-mapping Globalization in the World-System
Riverside, CA
February 7-8, 2004

Spatial Analysis of Health Risk Perception
Santa Barbara, CA
October 10-11, 2003
Spatial and Social Interactions in Economics
Santa Barbara, CA
April 4-5, 2003

Spatial Data Analysis Software Tools
Santa Barbara, CA
May 10-11, 2002

Location-Based Services
Santa Barbara, CA
December 14-15, 2001
Santa Barbara, CA
January 11-13, 2001

Inequality and Equity
Santa Barbara, CA
November 12-14, 2000