Tessa Anderson
Research Interest: Geographical Information Science
Merih Anil
Research Interest: Political Science
Center for Urban Research at the City University of New York
Philip Babcock
Research Interest: Economics
University of California at San Diego
Andrew Beveridge
Research Interest: Sociology
Queens College and Graduate Center -- CUNY
Wendy Bigler
Research Interest: Human Geography
Arizona State Univ, Dept of Geography
Stephanie Bock-Foster
Research Interest: Other
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
Martin Bourgeois
Research Interest: Other
University of Wyoming
Emily Erikson
Research Interest: Sociology
Columbia University
Eric K. Foster
Research Interest: Other
Temple University Psychology Department
Helen Harton
Research Interest: Other
University of Northern Iowa
Barbara Herr Harthorn
Research Interest: Anthropology
UC Santa Barbara
[TOP] [email protected]
Gus Koehler
Research Interest: Urban and Regional Planning
USC Sacramento Center - School of Policy, Planning & Development and California Research Bureau
Kristin Koptiuch
Research Interest: Urban Studies
Arizona State University West
Dean Krikorian
Research Interest: Other
Cornell University
Eduardo Leoni
Research Interest: Political Science
Columbia University
Talia McCray
Research Interest: Urban and Regional Planning
Laval University, Dept. of Urban Planning
Megan Mullin
Research Interest: Political Science
UC Berkeley, Institute of Governmental Studies
Anne Peterson
Research Interest: Political Science
University of Washington, Bothell
Daniela Soleri
Research Interest: Other
Environmental Studies Program, UCSB
Takashi Yamashita
Research Interest: Economics
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Sharon Young
Research Interest: Anthropology
Southern Methodist University
Zuoquan Zhao
Research Interest: Regional Science
School of Public Policy, George Mason University