MAS/LUCC Resource Page: Research Project Details
Comparison of Urban and Rural Land Use Change Models of Wetlands Loss in Mississippi 1982-1992
Institution: Clark University, Department of Economics Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Principal Investigators: Landy C. Johnson, M.P.A., Ph.D. Candidate in Environmental Economics e-mail: [email protected]
Grant Number: None
Description: This is a doctoral dissertation focusing on an economic model of land use change in which individual land managers decide whether to convert wetlands. The model combines land use data from the Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) with economic data on agriculture and industry, as well as traditional economic variables such as income and population change.
Expected Outputs: Dissertation. Completion expected spring/summer 2003.
Related Publications: Some of this material was presented at an Eastern Economic Association conference.
Software Used: Stata statistical software. Also, the GIS software Arc Info was used to create a highway infrastructure density variable.